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manroland AG
KBA Koenig & Bauer Group
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(968 hits)

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1002 Buying Heidelberg Nexscan F4200 Copy Dot High End Scanner --- ---
1003 Buying HP DesignJet 800 --- 2000
1010 Buying Linotype Hell_ChromaGraph_S3300_drum_scanner --- 1993
1011 Buying IDEAL 7228 95 EC3 Cutting Machine --- 1997
1013 Buying Linotype Hell Linotronic 560 A2 11.95 + HQ RIP V5.5 + OLP --- ---
1016 Buying Linotype Hell Signasetter mit OLP 770x1070 mm --- ---
1017 Buying Agfa Avantra 25E + OLP --- 2000
1020 Buying GretagMacbeth ICColor --- ---
1021 Buying Linotype Hell/Heidelberg Hercules Pro with Online Developer Glunz & Jensen ML 860 --- ---
1022 Buying Fujifilm PictroProof 4000 with calculator RIP, struck up software with Autokalibrator --- ---
1023 Buying Agfa Rapiline 43 --- ---
1024 Buying Glunz & Jensen Multiline 550 --- ---
1025 Buying Glunz & Jensen Powermatic 5500 --- ---
2232 Buying Xerox N2125 Monochrom Laser Printer --- 2000
1028 Buying IBM InfoPrint Color 100 --- ---
1030 Buying Epson Stylus Pro 4000 C8 --- ---
1031 Buying Cups pressure machine --- ---
1033 Buying T Shirt heat press --- ---
1037 Buying GretagMacbeth Densitometer Model D19C 47B/P --- ---
1038 Buying Techkon densitometer T112 + LP 112 S (2 components) --- ---
1039 Buying X Rite Monitor Optimizer DTP 92 --- ---
1040 Buying Eltron P310 C --- ---
1044 Buying Mega Normlight 98 daylight, standing, table top W x H x D: 52 x 46 x 8.5 --- ---
1045 Buying Agfa Rapiline 51 3 --- 2004
1048 Buying SME Metrospeed Entwicklungsmaschine --- 2000
1052 Buying Stamm Entsilberungsanlage W CS50 Fixierbad Entsilberung Reinhaltung von Spülwasser gemäß Wasserhaushaltsgesetz (WHG) Anhang 53 --- 2000
1053 Buying Linotype Brightly Linotronic 560, Typ LTC 560 --- ---
1054 Buying Stamm FD / AG20 silver recovery --- ---
1055 Buying Heidelberg Delta Tower 2069 IS, 4GB HD, 64MB Ram --- ---
1060 Buying Dahle Guillotine 00 567 --- ---
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